BAOSTEEL Australia

Project ID: BA23005

Project Title: Mechanism and practical research on surface quality improvement of hot rolled plate steels under high chloridion waterbased nanolubrication

  • Dr Hui Wu, University of Wollongong
  • Professor Zhengyi Jiang, University of Wollongong
  • Mr Zhao Xing, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd
  • Mr Jianjun Zhang, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd

In hot rolling of plate steels at Zhanjiang Steel, the chloridion content in the industrial water is three times higher than that at Baosteel, causing distinct deterioration in surface quality of the rolled products, especially when the rolled plates are hot straightened for desired flatness and profile. The aim of this project is to develop eco-friendly, low-cost and highperformance water-based nanolubricants in chlorine-rich water environment for rolling steel products with significantly improved surface quality and reduced operation costs at Zhanjiang Steel. Successful outcomes will enhance the global market competitiveness of BaoWu Steel’s rolled products with enormous economic and environmental benefits.