BAOSTEEL Australia

Project ID: BA23002

Project Title: Legged robot autonomy for steel factory monitoring and inspection

  • Associate Professor Chao Chen, Monash University
  • Professor Michael Yu, Monash University
  • Dr Ruiming Wu, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd
  • Dr Zhekai Tong, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd

Robotics is a promising technology that eliminates the risk of human exposure to hazards and improves work efficiency. As a concrete mission that is essential for the modern steel industry, this project proposes a novel robot navigator and a multisensor calibration method to enable legged robots with a high-level autonomy and intelligence to carry out inspection and monitoring missions in steel plants. This project will lead to a high-performance legged robot system that will achieve fullyautomated and highly effective-performance, which is strongly aligned with the priority theme of the Baosteel Funding Programme 2023.