BAOSTEEL Australia

Project ID: BA23007

Project Title: Control of the electrical and magnetic properties of cable steels with high-conductivity

  • Professor Mingxing Zhang, The University of Queensland
  • Dr Md Shahriar Hossain, The University of Queensland
  • Dr Fan Zhang, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd
  • Ms Dongli Chou, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd

This project aims to investigate and clarify the mechanisms and factors that govern the electrical and magnetic properties of cable steels. To achieve this aim, influences of composition and microstructure on the properties will be studied using advanced materials characterization techniques, and a digital model that can assist the mechanism studies will be established by leveraging data obtained from industrial. The key research outcomes, including comprehensive reports detailing the results, at least one patent and several publications, enable Baosteel to re-design the present processes to improve quality of the current products, and to design new cable steels with improved performance.