BAOSTEEL Australia

Project ID: BA11003

Project Title: Development of highly formable magnesium sheet (LP120200741)

  • Prof Jian-Feng Nie, Monash University
  • Prof Christopher H Davies, Monash University
  • Prof Nick Birbilis, Monash University
  • Dr Yongjie Zhang, Monash University
  • Dr Gaofei Liang, Baosteel Research Institute

Lightweight magnesium sheet has attracted considerable interest for applications in automotive vehicles, light-rail and high-speed trains and consumer electronics. One of the technical problems that restrict the wider applications of magnesium sheet is its formability. This project aims to deliver a cost-effective magnesium alloy, together with thermomechanical processing parameters, for fabricating highly formable sheet. This project involves characterisation and evaluation of microalloyed materials that are produced under different alloy compositions and thermomechanical processing conditions. The project will result in magnesium sheet with improved formability, whilst bearing in mind durability (corrosion) considerations.

This project will develop alloy and processing technologies that can be used to fabricate lighter and better performing magnesium products. These magnesium products can improve fuel efficiency, resulting in lower emission and environmental pollution.