BAOSTEEL Australia

Project ID: BA12035

Project Title: Significance, measurement and control of centreline segregation in continuously cast line pipe steels

  • Prof Huijun Li, University of Wollongong
  • A/Prof Cheng Lu, University of Wollongong

The project aims to establish a simple prototype computer vision based segregation evaluation method with acceptance criteria based on and validated against the Mannesmann Scale. A draft Standard will be produced for Baosteel as an internal Standard Operating Procedure. A comprehensive literature review will also be conducted on the strategies for mitigating and minimising segregation. Collaboratively developed recommendations for minimising segregation will be presented to Baosteel after joint evaluation of production data. The outcome of this research has great potential to appreciably improve Baosteel's market share, product quality and reputation through accurate and objective assessment of centreline segregation, and a practical mitigation strategy, which will ultimately enhance Baosteel’s competitiveness in the international market.